How Are Time Management and Wellbeing Related to Each Other?

 According to studies, time management has proven to be an effective tool for productivity. If you are great in managing your time and sleep, you have an improved sense of wellbeing. It is also being said that time management may ease your work-related anxiety.

Time management improves your productivity and empowers you with autonomy. What happens is that most of them are unknowingly pulled by the desires or demands of others and occupy much of their time with things they don't like/enjoy. When you are clear about what matters to you the most, you can schedule time better, and when it really matters, you find ways to make time for it. Click here to know more about how time management and sleep can work wonders for you.

Personal wellbeing is another good impact of time management. With time management and goal setting, you get life satisfaction more than job satisfaction, which is equally valuable. You get a feeling of self-accomplishment when you schedule your daily activities with values and beliefs.

Time management skills can reduce feelings of anxiety and distress. Work and wellbeing are clearly linked. You might experience conflict in work-life, causing an imbalance in the family and work without proper time management. It is found that time management positively impacts work performance, both in terms of performance appraisal and factors like motivation and involvement with work. This implies that wellbeing is not simply a result of a work life managed successfully but can also be a direct byproduct of great time management.


Project Global Cure suggests that you reflect on how your recent workload makes you feel to determine if a time management regimen could benefit you. Review the time spent during your day on a day-to-day basis. Rate your satisfaction and fulfillment level. If your rating is low, it is not bringing you a positive return on your time investment. Aim to dedicate maximum time to your 'free will' time, the time you get to spend however you choose, to be highly productive and fulfilling, it may require learning how to refuse and deny unimportant things, so you can say yes to yourself!

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